Whats interesting is this initial concept of having left earth to escape enslavement from their own species. A clear symbolism for slavery, Blood Child discusses forced, expected, and socially normal families and marriages of humans to aliens. The discussion is if you are a slave but your master is a loving benevolent one, is it any better? Through the piece the family is easy and comfortable around t'choi but it is clear through their constant re-stating that it is only because they were raised with her there and were told that this is the norm. It is a system of being born into something and never knowing or experiencing the other side. They are still in a preserve and treated and traded like rare animals. They may be loved but their purpose- the only reason they are protected in their little cage, is to breed for the aliens. They have little to no free will and if one of the aliens wished them to do something they would have no choice but to do...